Monday, August 15, 2011

Potty Training

After a visit last week from a friend whose daughter is potty trained, Noah decided that he also wanted to use the big potty. He told me that diapers were for babies like Maleah. I have tried over and over to introduce him to either the portable frog potty or the big potty and usually he would just pee in front of them. So, when he initiated it, I thought I would give it a try. As soon as I pulled out the elmo toilet seat, he was ready to roll. I know I have a ways to go with this potty training, but so far he has practically done it himself. In four days he has only had one accident. He wakes up dry, and will go straight to the potty in the morning. And, today he started pooping in the potty. We told him that he could have the big boy bike that he has been wanting when he no longer uses diapers and he seems to be responding to that very well. He now has big boy under ware-spiderman by request. This surely has been an exciting month in our home with Maleah joining us and Noah growing up on us!

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